My previous headphone is ATH-CKM500i, which is 7 years old at this point (and actually has better feeling stock cable). Held up pretty well build-quality-wise, but I just can't return to them after CKR100.

Got the upgrade cable for ckr100 too - man does it sound great...

With the upgrade cable (HDC213A), the treble felt a bit brighter by just the right amount that I can't put them down now...

Isn't anything limited edition? They don't make it forever. --Techmoan

Can't believe I've never watched Back to the Future - it's everything I love packed into a movie! Doc really reminds me of Glen George :)

Idea of an Android based music player disgusted me at first, but thinking back, having Syncthing to sync the music would be pretty awesome.

It'd be pretty cool to have a keyboard where controller is a TOMU (BOMU for the wireless version) plugged into a spare usb socket.

Got a Sony NW-ZX507 - using high gain balanced out with CKR100 now. CKR100 sounded brighter than on my phone while still being silk smooth. Before the vocals were on the quieter side, but now everything seems to balance out nicely. My CKR100 is EU's 80 Ohm version, which may be another caveat?