Mar. 5th's run: 5 miles in 00:51. The shoe laces are irritating me more than ever: I just couldn't get them to feel consistant. 🤔
Mar. 8th's run: 6 miles in 00:55. We're getting there. 😆 Also I just noticed Mastodon actually autodetects language of the post.
Mar. 9th: 6 miles in 00:53.
Mar. 10th: 6 miles in 00:54.
Mar. 11th: 6 miles in 00:53.
Mar. 13th: 6 miles in 00:55.
Mar. 14th: 6 miles in 00:53.
Mar. 16th: 6 miles in 00:54.
Mar. 20th: 2 miles in 00:17.
I felt running only in the CCW direction caused my shoes to be unevenly weared, thus causing the weird shoelace issue.
Mar 22nd: 4 miles in 00:37.
Mar 23rd: 4 miles in 00:38.
We should have Akinator for large code bases/programming languages, i.e. it will point me to readily avaliable libraries that does what I want to avoid reinventing the wheel.
Mar 24th: 6 miles in 00:60. First 6-mile in a while! I started running in a different direction, hopefully this would wear my shoes more evenly.