Apr 24th: 2.2 miles in 00:18.
Apr 27th: 6.1 miles in 00:49.
Apr 29th: 5 miles (trail) in 01:01.
May 1st: 1.2 miles in 00:11.
May 3rd: 4.9 miles in 00:41.
May 4th: 4.1 miles in 00:34.
May 5th: 6.3 miles in 00:55.
I'm preparing for a upcoming trail half-marathon, so I mixed in some trail runs over the weekends. Running on trails was a lot more fun, although I hope I can find a trail with fewer cyclers.
May 7th-13th: 21.0 miles in 03:06.
May 14th-20th: 13.4 miles in 01:54.
May 21st-27th: 19.9 miles in 04:12.
I ran my first trail half marathon yesterday and finished in just over 3 hours, inline with my expectations.
I am planning on hosting most personal repositories on my Gitea instance now that Github is acquired by Microsoft. Gitea is a breeze to setup and a lot less resource hungry than Gitlab. Hopefully Github remains awesome - I feel Github is basically Youtube of online git repositories because of its large traffic compared to other services.
New post: Fun With Fonts in Emacs https://www.shimmy1996.com/en/posts/2018-06-24-fun-with-fonts-in-emacs/
It just occurred to me nearly half of 2018 has passed. So far I'm a bit behind the pace on my 1000-mile goal, with only 340 miles so far. I totally blame the weather on this one---running at 100 °F is pretty exhausting. I've finished 5 blog posts this year (that's 10 counting both languages), with 3 more in the works, which is pretty good progress.
The speed drop over powerline ethernet adapters is a lot greater than I expected, making the weaker WiFi signal actually the more desirable choice here.
So far I've ran 402 miles this year! I largely slacked off during mid year so there goes my grand 1000 mile plan, but there's always the next year. 😆
I've started using security keys in conjunction with OTP for 2FA. However, it really frustrates me that a number of websites only fully support security key under Chrome, namely Google (registering new keys only work in Chrome, but Firefox is making a fix), and now Github ("We recommend updating to the latest Google Chrome to start using security key devices"). Considering MS's Edge rebuild and Skype refresh, I guess that's why we can't have nice things.