Git-annex seems worth trying for tracking all my music files.

Wish they revive the Vaio P/Toshiba Libretto form factor., BorgBase, Blackblaze...Hmm, choices!

If you think about it, the Sound of Music is about as weird as saying the Light of Color.

Tried out ATH-LS200 and ATH-CKR100is and I liked the CKR100 a lot more: they sound similar to what I heard from regular speakers, instead of a more cramped version from a headphone.

My previous headphone is ATH-CKM500i, which is 7 years old at this point (and actually has better feeling stock cable). Held up pretty well build-quality-wise, but I just can't return to them after CKR100.

Got the upgrade cable for ckr100 too - man does it sound great...

With the upgrade cable (HDC213A), the treble felt a bit brighter by just the right amount that I can't put them down now...