Got my monitor arm thingy - still waiting for the monitor though...

My WFH set up is Linux running Windows VM RDPing into another Windows machine ssh + X-forwarding to a Linux machine. It's amazing how well it works!

Ayy they fixed the right click context menu displacement thingy in Firefox!

ATH SR9 gives my a lot of sibilance at first - also tried MSR7 and it was even worse, to the degree of not listenable - with burn in and a bit of EQ tweak it gives a really detailed sound. It also feels brighter than ATH CKR100. Female vocals sound irresistible on SR9, but otherwise I do like CRK100 a bit more now.

I should not have searched for shark penguin images...

Sometimes I see web pages displayed in a strange font that renders numbers in emoji style with a gigantic enclosing orange circle. Saw this today on Sharp AQUOS R5G's home page, and another common offender is Skype/Microsoft login pages. So annoying...

I hoped the ZX507 screen could have a lower minimum brightness - not that a bright screen is bad, but it's scorching bright at night.

Think I can say goodbye to iTunes Match now!