I gave in and tried logging into Telegram again - only to find that I can still use my old username - liars!

And this time I was discovered immediately because of the phone number thing.

So many of the blogs in my web feed subscribe list are down right now due to GitHub Pages maintainence...Talking about the danger of centralization!

That sounded weirdly like a Trump's tweet...

It is a scary thing that all these SNS apps are requesting contact information as if they really need it - it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth that companies branded as privacy focused still is not immune of this kind of data hoarder behavior.

MS Edge has surpassed Firefox as the second most popular web browser. What a gloomy timeline we are in...Probably not the most appropriate analogy, but I think monoculture is inherently harmful in both biological sense and web browser market: it is already bad enough that we have to disable all kinds of things in a web browser just to stop some of the malicious tracking, I really don't want the largest advertiser on Earth also being the maker of all web browsers.

Imagine if Google starts chipping away the portion of the web that works properly on non-Chrome browsers, then users might be more inclined to use Chrome and like boiling frogs, realizing that all of a sudden Chrome becomes the literal definition of the web.

It starts making sense to me that why people still bother with alternative protocols like Gopher, DAT, and IPFS. Perhaps it is not too late to prepare for the worst yet.