Such irony when listening to Safe in New York City

It sure is getting warmer! Finally getting some sunlight in the morning.

If you think about it, the normal pagination we see on blogs doesn't make sense at all. I'm thinking about switching to chronological ordering while defaulting to the last page. That way the content on each page is also fixed.

It's like top-posting in email!

And I can literally start a new page from time to time, isn't that great?

IPFS and IPNS are actually pretty easy to use - this might be the cure to URI, the weakest link of IndieWeb in my opinion.

I'm sold - IPFS hash is calculated on file content, so this is perfect for my use case: small files like HTMLs change frequently while larger ones like images don't. Combined with the HTTP gateway and DNSLink, intrusion is minimal.

Wow, the ActivityPub homepage's SSL certificate expired on 2020-03-30 and has not been renewed. 10 points to IndieWeb!